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much love,


humility and fruits

i'm trying to really understand and track the source of how humans have evolved to be such proud, power hungry, profit seeking people. i'm learning so much about history, culture, language, economy, ecology, and god through all the books i've been reading and as expected there happens to be one common denominator of all the world's diagnosed 'problems'.

there's a curious lack of humility in the human race, and i don't mean for these words or musings to come across as harsh or condescending. my heart is simply weighed down at the thought that so many of our modern conflicts and crises are the result of a serious lack or perversion of such a simple, pure concept.

when people regret to foster humble spirits, when we let our selfish tendencies and obsessions become the driving force behind what we involve ourselves in, how we treat one another, what we strive towards, all of the good potential that these efforts hold is lost, corrupted and confused.

agriculture and industrialization
the desire for prestige and profit caused citizens to pursue objects, careers, social engagements that would raise their social status
white flour and sugar
capitalism and holly wood

as we (or if we) would assume a more humble posture towards god and one another, serving our neighbors, picking up trash not because it's ours but because it's trash, paying for people's dinners, allowing ourselves the freedom and joy to not take more than we need... we would begin to see a world of transformation, a human race that embodies love and fellowship and life abundant, as god would intend us to live...

1 comment:

  1. i would love to talk about this more...
    i fear the blanket notion of entire ideas or bodies of people and theoretical standards of living )i.e. capitalism and hollywood) being deemed as completely destructive and "bad"... because at the root of every theory, every idea, every big evil scheme, there's just people.

    human beings trying to find their identity in their art or income... grandmas making cupcakes from white flour for babies who love shrek (hollywood) and dads who work their asses off on wallstreet (capitalism) because it's the only thing they see fit to do to give their world the world... ya know?

    i suppose what you're doing here in pushing people towards a deeper knowledge and understanding of things and people and truths and ideas is the first step towards moving business/family/recreation to holistic wellness.

    i dig it.
