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much love,


personal training

its really so much more than a physical workout... as i'm laying on my sweat embalmed gym mat listening to my trainer answer my question regarding the importance of pre and post stretching, i was almost stopped in my breath with his response.

"everyone you talk to will say something different. i wouldn't believe everything that everyone says, but if he or she sounds pretty well versed in what they're speaking about and they're not preaching that this is the one and only way to do it, then i would suggest following their advice". matt from 24 hour fitness

is he talking about my hamstrings or something much deeper, much more spiritual?

words words and wisdoms coming...every-which way and every-which temperature and ever more frustrating that i can hardly hear myself think or detect the ink-ling of truth inside of me that says this is your path this is real and good, carve your own way and don't get lost in the maze of thoughts and what not's

i'm sitting beneath magnolia trees listening to all these people's musings, of love, of life, of politics, of riches, of wonders, of all these thick emotions that thunder, we all want to be known, to express ourselves, to feel love to see love to breath love

we're different but we're very much the same, we're all striving to get back to that sacred place from whence we came...lets be open to one another's creativity and create not a rigid stature of beliefs and truths but a flowing conversation of the god in me and in you...

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