i'm changing blog sites. eventually i will just get my own domain and stop moving around so much, but for now i've found one that suits my needs. so if you're familiar or new, please check out

much love,


discoveries and reflections

why did you hide yourself my dear,
behind your beautiful veneers, and
your shimmering, golden hair?

why were so so gripped in fear?
to protect yourself and
restrict us from being aware

of your ingenuity,
your insight
your radiant creativity and drive?

how for so long did you harbor such
self loathing and
did you not find it to be

why did your best expressions only trot the stage at midnight,
in secret books, secret symphonies?
why did the moon deserve to see you in your full, naked beauty?

and when will you ever see the beauty of your smile,
smile that lit the room and inspired our hearts...

why did you hide yourself my dear?

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