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much love,


the beginning of it all, is it not?

'oh come oh come Emmanuel, and ransom captive Israel'

Christmas season has rested heavily and wonderfully upon me this year. I''ve found my way back to Colorado, met by the chilly mountain air and the bright-sunshine-dancing-delightful-mornings...I've been surrounded by warm fires, smiles, good music, an abundance of rich food (maybe too rich for my little gypsy body to handle), and an overwhelming sense that people are finally understanding what Christmas is all about...that because of the beautiful and gentle light that has been given us, someday, somehow it's all going to make sense and be made right...

I'm chalk full of images of my 6 nieces and nephews playing with the nativity set, making thank you cards for Saint Nicolas, gathering round the tree in hopes of opening presents, images of delicate hearts and delicate spirits being loved and guided and adored as we also gather to love and adore the gentle one who guides us... i'm ready for another day, another chance to breathe and sing and stretch and praise God for his magnificent beauty and creation and love. ready to catch some powder on those mountains that have been, for weeks now, beckoning me....


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