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much love,


lemons in life

making limoncello is much more difficult than i would have imagined. lemon juice is too sour, you see, for the type of sweet, soft , sensual delight that is limoncello. its a crazy infusion of lemon rind soaked in vodka and mixed with a gentle sweet syrup, served cold with a burst of bright yellow zesty refreshment. i was convinced i could make it in an hour. turns out 10-14 days is the minimum you need to get the proper consistency and potency. hmmm

so i'm finding the same principles resonate throughout my life. like good friendships. you can't simply squeeze all that juice out and mix it with a bunch of other stuff and expect it to taste good or be long lasting at all. you have to let things soak, you have to slowly add the sugar, the substance, the color slowly slowly begins to glow....

just thinking about all the lemons i have. some of them are still on trees, waiting to fall off from the weight of their ripeness. some are getting a little soft sitting in my kitchen waiting to be used, squeezed, peeled. some are at that perfect plumpity, simply waiting to be rolled around and made into the best, most delicious lemonade or dressing you'll ever taste...

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