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much love,


sesame seeds,almonds, a dose of zinfandel and endless possibilities

in the midst of a somewhat hectic, emotional though cleansing day i will claim that in the end of it all, i love to cook.

i love to cook with wine. sometimes i'll add it to the recipe :) mix in a good dose of john coltrane, a little splash of creative juice, some serious solitude, and you've got an incredible recipe for self expression, satisfaction, and a beautiful toasted sesame almond honey chewy bar.

conversations today included personal frustrations, emotional responses, the necessity of having one's own space, of controlling one's environment and self motivation (because that's really all you have to control in the long run), the boundless nature of god and our limited understanding or exploration of the bigger god picture, time management and value, gardens and their ever momentary evolutions, business and venture capitalism, change of roles, the delight of physical exhaustion and the new moon's patient oncoming...

just a taste of tonight... thoughts inspired and mellowed by wine ought always to be recorded....

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