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much love,


reclaiming community

eating food that comes from your own soil. using soil that comes from your old food and plants and dirt. getting dirty and being with people, who come from dirt and will return to dirt. really, there's nothing like eating a salad comprised of all sorts of tantalizing, delicious, exciting and enigmatic flavors that you yourself planted, helped to grow and harvested just at the right moment at the peak of the season...we can sustain ourselves. its simple, empowering, creative, and completely fulfilling.

the feeling of riding your bike everywhere around town; whether or not its work, a concert, the gym, the local farmers market or just for a pleasant afternoon adventure. its cheap, its sentimental, its youthful and smart and completely necessary. why take a car when you can take a backpack and boost your calf muscles? why trap yourself in traffic, limit yourself to highways and speed limits wen you can feel the wind literally pull the saliva from your lips and whip across your face with such invigorating, awakening sensations?

its about sharing meals together, slowly, with a glass or two of wine, talking about our trials, our joys, our best jokes and most estranged stories. its about seeing the people who check you out in the grocery store and asking them their story, knowing where they go home to after work, caring about their time and existence. its about meeting together with people of similar interests and passions to collaborate on ideas and movements to better the city, the neighborhood, the state and bring us all together as people who love one another and care for one another as delicately, beautifully, powerfully created beings. its about taking time to ask your neighbor to join you for dinner or to make sure that you are keeping in touch with the people who are hurting, who are poor or hungry, those who may be doing well and sharing in their abundances.

join the movement that somehow got displaced by our innovative technologies and our distancing ourselves from that which is so fundamental to our health and existence. reclaim your community in the whole sense of the word. seek wholeness and health and simplicity while thriving in this amazing and evolving society. live off the land. eat food. thrive in community with fellow humans and other creatures. work hard. play harder. take root:)

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